Sub HighlightWithColor_Cyan() Call HighlightWithColor(wdTurquoise, "Tracking") End Sub Sub HighlightWithColor_Green() Call HighlightWithColor(wdBrightGreen, "Tracking") End Sub Sub HighlightWithColor_NoColor() Call HighlightWithColor(wdNoHighlight, "Tracking") End Sub Sub HighlightWithColor_Pink() Call HighlightWithColor(wdPink, "Tracking") End Sub Sub HighlightWithColor_Red() Call HighlightWithColor(wdRed, "Tracking") End Sub Sub HighlightWithColor_Yellow() Call HighlightWithColor(wdYellow, "Tracking") End Sub Private Sub HighlightWithColor(iColorIndex As Integer, bTrack As String) 'Updated 2020-06-16 ' 'This macro subroutine highlights the selected content and changes tracking of the highlighting based on 'the value of the bTrack parameter ' 'Written by Michael Schuler ( Dim bCurrentRevision As Boolean Dim bCurrentTracking As Boolean Dim lTrailingSpaceFlag As Long Dim rSel As Range Const sDialogTitle As String = "Highlight Selection" On Error GoTo Err_Msg If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then Selection.Expand wdWord bCurrentRevision = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions bCurrentTracking = ActiveDocument.TrackFormatting If bTrack = "True" Then ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = True ActiveDocument.TrackFormatting = True ElseIf bTrack = "False" Then ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False ActiveDocument.TrackFormatting = False ElseIf bTrack = "Tracking" Then ActiveDocument.TrackFormatting = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions End If Set rSel = Selection.Range rSel.HighlightColorIndex = iColorIndex ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = bCurrentRevision ActiveDocument.TrackFormatting = bCurrentTracking Macroend: Exit Sub Err_Msg: MsgBox "The macro has encountered an error." & vbCrLf & Err.Number & ": " & Err.description, vbCritical, sDialogTitle End Sub